This weekend Diane and I travelled to Paris for the weekend. Everyone told us it takes a least 2 hours to get to the airport so we left really early. However upon arriving at the airport in under 30 minutes we were baffled at all this 2 hour talk. However the airport in Paris was a different story, upon our arrival both our brains started working overdrive. We were reading and hearing things French, thinking in English, but instinctively speaking Spanish. The journey from the airport to the hotel was about 2 hours long and we were helped along the way by a friendly French man. We arrived at 11 PM and went to bed, we need our rest for the big days ahead. Here is the view from our hotel room.

The following day we went to the Louvre art museum. It was awesome rolling up to the museum and seeing so many triangles. I never thought that any part in my life I would be taking so many pictures of Triangles, but they were really cool. Here's a good picture of one of the triangles.

After the art museum we walked to the Champs y Elysees toward the Arc de Triumph. It was
a long walk but the arch was awesome. I didn't expect it to be so big. Here is Diane and I in front of the arch.

Mom and Dad, I did go up to the top, it was a great view. That night I bought dinner in a supermarket. A really nice French dude helped find French bread, cheese, wine and other goodies that French people like to have with their dinner.
The following day we went to Notre Dame. Now I don't want to be a Notre Dame hater, but I feel like some of the cathedrals in Spain are a little more impressive. I've been showing a lot of direct pictures of monuments, so here are the infamous Gargoyles on the cathedral.

That night we went to the Eiffel tower. I had heard the tower sparkled on the hour every night, so when the metro came out of the tunnel and the tower was right there flashing like the sparklers we used to have at New Years, it was quite a site. Diane and I went to the very top. It was wicked high, and I've been to the top of a lot of tall buildings (Empire State, Sears Tower, Prudential) but something about the Eiffel Tower just made it seem really tall. I have since looked at this picture and learned that it really wasn't that tall.

It was great trip, Paris was a really cool city. And finally here is the best thing I ate in Paris (and yes I did have creme brulee). It was chocolate crepe we had on the first day there. It stands as the best French food I've had to date, but I still have many years left to try some other stuff.

I have midterms this week, but I have a field trip to the North East of Spain this weekend for some climbing and kayaking so stay tuned!