The day started off normally at the Munich train station. We were looking for the cheapest way to get Prague. There were three options: a very pricey high speed eurotrain with no transfers, a pricey eurotrain with two transfers, or a cheap network of five trains with four connections. Naturally we chose the final option. Everything was going well on the first two trains, the rides were smooth, the views were amazing, and there were nice people to talk to. However this changed when we rolled up to station #3 and saw what we thought was a caboose.

We actually we laughing at the size of the train when the conductor came out of the tiny office and taped "Domaslice" our destination on the window of the train. It turned out this would be our train. It was gas powered and had gears. The train ride wasn't that bad, the country side was picturesque and the seats could have been a little more comfortable, but you can't be too particular. So when the train pulled into "Domaslice-Minor" we all got off at the station and waited....and waited.....and waited.

We checked the train map and schedule and there were no more trains out of this town until tommorow. Dreams of shady eastern European hostels flashed through my mind. We were officially lost in the Czech Republic. After talking in broken English to a German boy at the station (Germans are so cool) we figured out their was another station in the town. And so we set off through Domaslice in search of another train station.

I would love to say that the town of Domaslice was super shady with old communists and creepy people running around. It was not, while it definetly wasn't Venice or Munich it was a nice place. The only sketchy thing were these caged up gigantic German Shepards that went nuts when we walked by. We made it to the station where there was nobody there and waited and waited for the train.

The sun was going down and the train came and continued on the last city of our trip.